Deepavali... A season of festivities

An informative & insightful Presentation on Deepavali by Bharath Gyan's Learned D K Hari & D K Hema Hari



In an exclusive presentation brought to you on the ocassion of Deepavali, the Festival of Lights, we get to the crux of the festival... the profound and yet lesser known aspects of the festivities that accompany and culminate as Deepavali.

Bharath Gyan's, Learned, DK Hari and DK Hema Hari, in this conversation reflect on the various facets of this festival that takes into account the seasonal peculiarties, agri-economy, family & community togetherness, siblings bonding and the undeniable underlying thread of culture and history that has held the Indian civilisation together for over multiple millinnia.

If you are among those who are curious to know the reasons, causes and influences that played a role in the conceptualization, development and adoption of the Indic civilisational values, you will enjoy this presentation.

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