How My Life At Guwahati's B Borooah College Was Like

Eventful and full of memorable experiences at B. Boorah College in Guwahati.

My Story

It was the year 2015, after having completed my Higher Secondary examination, I enrolled myself into Guwahati's  B Borooah College. I got through the general admission on the basis of my scores, but to be specifically enrolled for a department for the Honours Programme, I had to sit for an entrance.

B. Borooah College was established in the year 1943 in the name of Bholanath Borooah, a doyen of Assamese business and a close associate of Sahityarathi Lakshminath Bezbaruah .It grew under the shadow of World War II and as a part of the nationalistic struggle against foreign rule. Classes (evening) started from 13th of September 1943 with 15 students in the premises of Kamrup Academy H.S. School. (More here)

My preference was English and fortunately, I was selected for the Honours Programme under the Department of English. It was a three-year degree course affiliated with Gauhati University.

It’s been two years since I graduated (2018) and the experience along with the memories attached to this college are still intact. I must say that I’ve had the best days in this college. 
There's pride instilled in every student who enrolls in the Department of English.

B. BOROOAH COLLEGE, Guwahati - Admission, Fees and Timings

The college, especially the Department resonates in my mind and my heart, which does make me emotional.

English Department meant a world unto itself!

The English Department was, is, and will always remain as one of the best departments in the college! A Department's fame predominantly rests upon the contribution to which the Faculty as a whole makes. Our Faculty members stood out in every task to elevate the status of the Department.

I do not shudder a moment to emphasize or exclaim how excellent the faculty members have been. This excellence basically emanates from the approachable nature which these teachers have been open to. They were open enough for the students to approach them freely with no hesitations attached.

An insight into my experience

Due to my somewhat ambivert nature, I could not muster the courage, to be frank with them, but they were equally very good and supportive of every other student. They would not be mindful of anything and were always there for any suggestions and help to offer.

There were some teachers who would make the classes worthwhile, where you would not be fussy or fidgety about the time and would delve into the world of their lecture. Being a literature student, we were open to any form of interpretation, which would be muttered by any of the students and the teachers would readily affirm those explanations.

Wishes pour in for Hima - Telegraph India

There were times where I, along with the entire class, would laugh out loud due to the kind of mimicry that was involved in the teaching of some teachers. The kind of classes we had proved out to be highly beneficial and productive to me - especially in terms of the ability to deepening my understanding into anything we come across and  meaningfully express what I wish. As a matter of fact, my foundation got stronger.

How was studying on the campus like?

The ambience around helped me develop myself because I could sense a strong competitive spirit. This induced me into putting in my best efforts and was conducive to bring out the best in me. I believe a competitive environment acts as a catalyst to bring out the best in everyone. Besides, it helps acknowledge, face and deal with challenges life may present in the future.

Now, shifting my concern to the extra-curricular activities in the college,  we had events and programs organized around the college within a given time frame. Supposedly, we had our general freshers and department freshers for the newcomers. We were a part of freshers for three subsequent years, where initially we were the newcomers, and in the subsequent years, we were the organizers! 

Department Freshers Party was certainly the best one, where only the department students could accumulate together as a whole. We had our College week for a week, which culminated in a cultural event.

College week was all about competitions in various fields, which turned out to be fruitful to all the students taking part in various activities. 

We had cultural fests organized entitled “Youth conclave”, a two-day fest that would welcome participation from other colleges in various fields. Apart from cultural activities, our college encouraged the organization of some educational programmes like seminars. Some of the departments organized seminars, including our department, the English department, who also organized inter college seminar completion, which was positively received by many as a result of their participation. I also happened to take part in the seminar. It was an experience worth the while. 

Summing it all up

Learning has always been an ongoing process, and to be honest, I’ve learned a lot and have got an insight into things that I might have been unaware of. It was an exposure that paved me to a path of knowledge.  I’ll always be indebted to the faculty members for their best guidance. Yet as I pen down my experiences, I could recall and picturise those moments right in front of my eyes.

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